Wardens’ Report: June 2016
The Wardens’ Report: a brief summary of highlights from monthly Vestry meetings, designed to demystify our work and provide some information about our growth, finances, priorities and progress towards our strategic plan.
The Vestry gathered in the sanctuary on Tuesday evening as Liz led us in prayer. We gave thanks for Kathy Kenyon and her work as Coordinator of Sacramental Life and all that her role entails — oversight of baptisms, weddings and funerals and the coordination of many volunteers including marriage mentors. We also prayed for Morgan Reed as he completes his internship with us and moves towards a new phase focused on completing his dissertation while serving other parishes as a Deacon in our diocese. And with heavy hearts, we prayed for world events and the unfolding news of the day’s atrocities in Istanbul.
We began our business meeting by approving a Facility Team recommendation for the repair of floor tiles in the Upper Narthex. We also received our regular Finance Team update which showed that while monthly attendance was down 3.1% compared to May 2015, general offerings were at 97% of budget. These current indicators were helpful as we prepared to consider the FY2017 budget.
The bulk of our meeting was in discussion about next year’s budget. The discussion was led by our Treasurer, Ramsey Wilson, and our Assistant Treasurers Dietrich Kuhlman and Meredith Lloyd who with the Finance Team spent countless hours compiling data, interviewing staff, making projections, and outlining potential scenarios.
We worked in multiple steps toward completion of the budget: first considering income projections, then reviewing “steady state” expenditures and finally considering how we would lean into the Strategic Plan — particularly the vision to plant local churches. We look ahead with great anticipation for what the Spirit will do with our collective resources of time, talent, and treasure.
While the bulk of our hard work and discussion on budget issues was completed this week, we will finalize and approve the FY17 budget at our July meeting. We appreciate your prayers as we work to discern and listen well.
If you have questions, concerns, words of wisdom or encouragement, please know that we are open to your feedback on all aspects of life together.
You can read an archive of past Wardens’ Reports on our website or Vestry Meeting minutes on CCB, under the ‘Files’ tab in the ‘Entire Church Group’
-Carolyn Weimer and Hannah Royal, Wardens