
Ash Wednesday at Resto

Join us in-person!

We’re looking forwarding to celebrating Ash Wednesday together. We’ll have three opportunities for worship in-person, as well as an online option:

7:00am  We will gather inside the sanctuary for a liturgy which includes music, imposition of ashes, and the litany of confession.  Then we will go outside to the Parking Lot Tent Chapel for the Eucharist.  It should last about an hour.  Please sign up for this service, here.  The 7am will not be broadcast on YouTube Live.


12:00pm  We will gather in our Parking Lot Tent Chapel for a spoken liturgy (no music), imposition of ashes, litany of confession, and Eucharist. It should be less than an hour. You do not have to sign up for this service.  It will not be broadcast on YouTube Live.


7:00pm  We will gather inside the sanctuary for a liturgy which includes music, imposition of ashes, and the litany of confession.  Then we will go outside to the Parking Lot Tent Chapel for the Eucharist.  It should last about an hour.  Please sign up for this service, here.  This service will close our 24 hours of prayer and you will be able to watch a broadcast of it, here.

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