"Follow Where He Leads." A sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on April 30th, 2023. ESV SCRIPTURE REFERENCE.
"According to the Gardener." A sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on Easter Sunday, April 9nd, 2023. ESV SCRIPTURE REFERENCE.
"The Work and Rest of God" A sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on January 29, 2023. ESV SCRIPTURE REFERENCE.
"The Calling of God." A sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on January 22, 2023. ESV SCRIPTURE REFERENCE.
"The Discernment of God's Voice." A sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on January 15, 2023. ESV Scripture Reference
"The Interruption of God." A sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on January 8, 2023. ESV Scripture Reference
"Looking for Jesus." a sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on December 24, 2022. ESV Scripture Reference
"Listening to What we Don't Understand." a sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on December 11, 2022. ESV SCRIPTURE REFERENCE
"Listening to Words of Warning." a sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on December 4, 2022. ESV SCRIPTURE REFERENCE.
"It's Worth It." a sermon preached by The Rev. David Hanke on October 30, 2022. ESV scripture reference.