Small Group Highlight Reel
Our first semester of small groups comes to a close this week. Registration for the next semester has opened. Take a moment to share a highlight from Restoration’s first round of small group. Did you have a particular passage that you enjoyed studying? Was there a conversation that encouraged you– made you think about stuff in a new way? Did someone tell a really good joke? Did you see God answer prayer? We’d love to hear.
March 31, 2009 @ 8:32 am
Some highlights for me… Laughing a lot. Feeling like it was a safe place to be vulnerable. Eating Mary Breed’s birthday cake. Talking about the lame parties in our lives that we need Jesus to show up at and save (John 2). Getting to know people by hearing their prayer requests, praying for them through the week, and checking back in the next week. Being prayed for. Laughing a lot.
March 31, 2009 @ 12:09 pm
So many highlights: small group members that pray over prayer requests rather than problem-solve them, Logan Breed’s thoughtful guidance of discussions, all those tasty baked treats that Mary seemed to have around the house and Anthony Swisher’s transportation service. Making new friends that are outside of my life stage, and seeing not just one, but two small group babies arrive.
March 31, 2009 @ 5:33 pm
The diversity…from just graduated from college to having grown children and everything in between! Having folks ask really good questions. Struggling as a group to answer them…realizing that I am not the only one who does not always know the answer. Social time before hand, the Vinson’s comfy, beautiful home, Mary’s yummy baked goods (must be a pre-requisite, if your name is Mary and you attend RAC, you are by definition a great baker. :>). The voices of kids playing in the basement. Prayer request time…feeling like I got to see a little piece of folks real struggles and being honored to be a part of praying for them. Anne’s constant encouragement that being a “stay-at-home-mom” is a “real” and very important job. I will really miss our group!
March 31, 2009 @ 5:59 pm
Well, our group had no newborn babies…and for the most part no home-baked goods (Liz, your brownies were fantastic)…but what we lacked in all things domestic, we made up for in truth and vulnerability. The Chambers were so great to open their home. I’m sure it was Corrine’s idea, but I guess I’ll thank Josh, too.
March 31, 2009 @ 9:00 pm
Vulnerability and laughter are what stuck out to me. Of course playing Guitar Hero was fun–but prayer requests were awesome. People shared what’s really going on in their lives. Didn’t feel like a counseling session–studying the Bible helped out. People hanging out afterward was definitely my favorite part.
Scott: Liz made cookies not brownies — that was Corrin, and Corrin’s name has no “e” on it. I guess Scott may have been the one down side…but I still really enjoyed having him in a Christian sort of way.
November 12, 2010 @ 1:15 am
1. Pray that God will provide college fees and a laptop computer for my son, Blackson.
2. Pray that God will provide me, Lackelo with a God fearing husband