Ya Gotta Have (Real) Friends – WSJ.com
Ya Gotta Have (Real) Friends – WSJ.com.
Two things that I love about this article:
1. His insight that that women talk and men do stuff together. Obviously a huge generalization, but pretty accurate. Women build friendship through conversation (whether its running, having coffee, at the park with kids). Men talk, but find connection in common activities– thus the Restoration Guns, Trucks, and Bad Communication nights (think shirtless men playing a lot of Wii– now stop thinking about it). He concludes that the difficulty of having common activities contributes to the decline of friendship for men (and the reason why they die sooner than women, lovely)
2. This insight: “we have these deeper friendships because we’ve tried to build a life in one place.” There is something to be said for just living life in the same place with the same people. The transience of DC is a huge complaint amongst its local citizens. But transience is a pretty common feature of urban life. You’re not going to change it. This is why the church is so critical. Restoration gives platforms for friendship to flourish (small groups). We are a community that embraces the idea of rootedness (listen to our liturgy). I want to pastor this church for the next 20 years. I want to give my life to a community of people on a mission to love Arlington with the Gospel. Growing old, going to HS graduations of kids I baptized, laboring beside friends, seeing God do stuff…
What speaks to you?
If friendship is the key to happiness, then maybe this is the key to friendship, to be enmeshed — not just tangentially or voyeuristically, but physically — in the lives of others.
How do can our church better nurture friendship?
June 27, 2009 @ 11:43 am
This is very interesting! One burning question, though. In order to provide for the desired amount of male bonding, do guy activities HAVE to be done in spandex or shirtless? Shirtless Wii…ewwwwwwwww! I am so grateful that in my experience, women can bond nicely in office attire, baggy sweats or anything in between. Whew.
On a more serious note, one of the things I have loved about being part of the Restoration community so far is how easy it is to form relationships with people. I have found pre-launch activities, serving on various liturgical teams, working in the nursery or children’s church, social time in between services, the pre-membership dinner, and especially small groups to make connecting with folks very easy. One thing that I think is different and refreshing about Restoration is that for the most part, people seem very real and very trustworthy. I have been able to share more of myself with folks I have met at Restoration more quickly and more confidently than in other settings. This has been especially true in both small groups I have been in. Even though we only met for 90 min a week, I feel like the friendships I have made in both small groups are hugely significant. I feel like even though both small group semesters have ended, I can easily call on and connect with many of those folks at a moment’s notice. And I HAVE…from needing prayer about some really hard and deeply personal struggles to needing carpooling and childcare help this past week getting my kids to and from camp. Hmmm, didn’t so much intend for this to be a small group commercial, but I guess it is. Come one, come all, sign up for a small group in the fall! :>
July 1, 2009 @ 12:44 pm
Interesting article! I think this issue gets at the heart of the dichotomy we face here in the DC area. Our lives are so heavily scheduled that often we don’t have time to truly connect with those close to us or seek out new friends through shared activities. However, I believe Restoration has offered myself and my family that place to “connect” with others and develop genuine friendships. David’s philosophy of committing to one another and to God as a faith community helps overcome many of the challenges imposed by life in a major metropolitan area. Having been raised in a rural town in Ohio, I appreciate the “small town” atmosphere that RAC provides. THANKS!!!
July 2, 2009 @ 12:18 pm
Ryan, thanks for commenting on the core of what we are trying to do at Restoration. As we connect people in community, they get a chance to experience grace, forgiveness, and being known. Yesterday, I was meeting with my small group and took the risk to share some times I have been discouraged. They had the opportunity to listen, to disagree, to encourage… it was so helpful. I was thankful for those guys and thankful for the community we are developing. The Gospel is catalyzed by community.