Parish Meeting Recap (Audio Included)
Friends, On Monday and Tuesday evening this week we had identical parish meetings. The agenda was 8-fold:
- a report on the summer survey
- a reminder of our core values
- revelation of our new logo and some of the words that are shaping our brand process
- a financial report and explanation of our FY2010 budget (Fiscal Year began Sept 1)
- Current staff decisions
- an explanation of the vestry election process
- a reminder of what it means to be a member of Restoration. Read FAQ here.
- an update of what we are doing in local and global outreach. (AFAC opportunities on Oct 4, 25 and Nov 15; Outreach Prayer Meetings on Oct 20 and Nov 17)
I’ll be honest, it wasn’t the most edge of your seat thrill ride. However, there was a genuine sense of thanksgiving for all that God has done in the last year. Restoration is a church of GREAT people. I am so thankful for them.
We recorded it for those who could not attend. Let me know if you have any questions!
September 18, 2009 @ 3:31 pm
How much longer until the new “Dip ‘n Dots” logo shows up on the web site?
September 21, 2009 @ 9:39 pm
Jeff. The logo is up! I’m glad you fully grasped the core meaning behind our logo = )
September 21, 2009 @ 10:56 pm
Dude! Just noticed the logo change-saaweet!. Methinks it happened within the last ten min. — I should know, I obsessively reference it.