a full week
The Well
Tonight at 8:00 Brent C. and friends will lead carols and other adventy songs. Come sing all those songs you’ve been dying to sing this month.
Guns n Trucks
aka ‘Man Breakfast’
Tomorrow morning at 6:30am at the Metro Diner, men will gather to eat and talk.
Connecting People to God and to Others
We’re in this church thing because we want people to face God, to deal with Him, to be reconciled to Him, to worship Him. Every environment and opportunity we create is designed to foster that interaction with God.
So on Monday, we had a small group of folks gathering in quiet and stillness as an Advent discipline– to prepare their hearts for their coming King. On Tuesday, we had 4 families gather to talk about baptism and how do we leverage our parenting to help our kids love Jesus. Tonight, we’ll have a full room on Quincy Street as people stop their hustle and bustle in order to sing and remember. Tomorrow we’ll pack out the back of Metro 29 Diner so that men can think strategically about how to love their wives, lead their families, and walk humbly with God.
Everything we do is aimed at getting us to deal with God. Think about bringing a friend. You know there is a neighbor, friend, or co-worker who needs to hear that God thinks about them and loves them.
Here’s to an Advent where we continuously turn our face to God. I’m praying for you.
December 16, 2009 @ 9:56 am
Guns n Trucks, and I get to hear the big guy sing? (The big guy = Brent, not the real BIG GUY upstairs).
I hope you get to hear Brent play his favorite christmas song…”All I want for Christmas, is you…”
December 16, 2009 @ 9:59 am
We always have a side of bacon with your name on it.
December 16, 2009 @ 10:45 am
One of my favorite singers, Dave Barnes, is also a total goofball and has posted a bunch of totally silly videos on youtube. From this point forward I will always chuckle when i think of that “All I want for Christmas is you” song. Think “all I want for Christmas is juice…”. Link below, enjoy…
December 16, 2009 @ 2:26 pm
I love Christmas carols especially, “We three Kings” –all verses. I guess to be technical, it’s an Epiphany song: “Glorious now behold Him arise, // King and God and Sacrifice.”
If you’re looking for some incredible traditionalChristmas tunes to guide your Advent meditations might I recommend this gem: http://www.johnmichaeltalbot.com/Albums/index.asp?id=56
December 17, 2009 @ 8:29 am
loved the conversation at breakfast this morning. Cameron thanks for modeling vulnerability and pushing us to think practically about how we might love our wives. Fellas, great turnout. So fun to laugh with you.
December 17, 2009 @ 12:01 pm
Favorite comment: “Once, I left a note and she scrapbooked it.”