Tweens, Middle School, and the new thing…
Tweens & Teens at Restoration
When asked what they like about our church, tweens in our congregation consistently said
“it’s small…in a great way,”
“it’s easy to get to know everyone,”
“you get to know everyone because you are smushed up against them [in the pew].”
These kids are longing for – and finding – community in our church, just like the rest of us!
Now we want to create intentional time and space for these relationships to grow. Staying true to their wishes, we’ll start small with a few informal activities. We want these kids to identify with Restoration, connect with their peers, and have a safe place to wrestle through the issues of being a Christian teen in Northern Virginia.
Please join us for a meeting on Tuesday January 26th at Heather and Roger Raber’s home as we pray and talk through ideas for a middle school ministry at Restoration. Since we’re dealing with teens, we need all the guidance the Holy Spirit can give us! We’ll spend time brainstorming about a long-term vision for this ministry, and also pray about more immediate & smaller actions we can take now to start us off. Anyone with a heart for these kids is welcome. But please RSVP (in a comment to this blog) so we know to expect you! Adults only – leave the kids to dream at home.
Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 7:30pm
Heather & Roger Raber
January 23, 2010 @ 3:00 pm
Sounds exciting. Thanks Heather and Roger for hosting. Middles schoolers are incredible folks with not only a lot to gain from a targetted RAC care, but a lot to give too. Looking forward to discussing and dreaming about both.
January 25, 2010 @ 4:27 pm
RSVP — Linda plans to attend.
January 27, 2010 @ 2:48 pm
Thanks to EVERYBODY who is working on/with the middle school ministries and who attended (and Roger and Heather for hosting) last night’s meeting. Though I could not be there, the report from my husband, Anthony, was that the meeting was VERY exciting! Just beginning the process of parenting preteens (ours are 12, 10 and almost 8) is pretty darn intimidating and already difficult. Knowing this ministry is taking shape will not only be great for Michael (and eventually Noah and Jacob), but gives me a great sense of being able to lean on the community to help fill in the gaps in my own abilities. Not feeling alone in this stage of trying to bring up Godly children is HUGE! So, again, thank you, thank you, thank you!