Fall Retreat
A post from Restoration member and Vestry member, Mary Vinson:
You may be experiencing the stifling heat of our Washington summer right now, but take note that our annual Fall Retreat is just around the corner! This will be our second annual all-parish retreat, a great weekend you won’t want to miss. There will be a speaker, music, Saturday afternoon free time with games and excursions, entertainment on Saturday night, and lots of great food and fellowship! There will be separate programming for kids up to 5th grade, while 6th graders and older will join the adults in the main sessions.
We will be retreating at Massanetta Springs, a beautiful spot in Harrisonburg Va., and the two hour drive down is easy and scenic. Oh, and did I mention the food? We will be enjoying lots of great food, including crisp apples, apple cider and s’mores at the bonfire!
October 22-24. The registration form is posted below for you to download, complete, and mail in to us. Early bird registration, with your check postdated before October 1, earns a discount and assurance of a spot!
Don’t be left out – register early and join the fun!
June 7, 2010 @ 8:28 am
Don’t forget the delicious donuts that will be available to snack on!
June 7, 2010 @ 11:11 am
Yes the doughnuts – how could I have forgotten the doughnuts?