‘Forming’ Small group
Is anyone else overwhelmed by all of the awesome options for small groups this trimester? I feel like a kid in a candy store or better yet, an adult in the Apple store!
I’m so excited to invite you to a wonderful new small group that’s focused on learning to hear God’s voice. We’ll be using curriculum called Forming by David Takle, which is part of the Thriving Recovery Life Model suite of materials.
This course has changed my life. I used to be spend my quiet times praying monologues, waiting for God to speak to me but often just hearing silence. The harder I would try to change my life or listen to God, the more discouraged I’d become. I became tired of performance-driven, “row harder” approaches to spiritual growth.
Because of this and other Life Model course, I’ve learned to dialogue with God and listen to his voice. I’ve heard the Lord tell me things that range from profound to deeply healing to really funny. Instead of rowing, I feel like I’m sailing: catching the wind of the Holy Spirit, joining with what He’s already doing to create change in my heart and life.
If this sounds like something you’ve been longing for, check out this brief video about Forming and sign up for Small group #26 on Thursdays at 7pm.
Please note: Books and materials are $40 per person. If this is prohibitive, please ask for a scholarship!
–Amy Kress with Elizabeth Boesen and Brian Barnett