Wardens’ Report: June 2017
The Wardens’ Report: a brief summary of highlights from monthly Vestry meetings, designed to provide information about our growth, finances, priorities and progress towards our strategic plan.
On Tuesday Vestry began the evening by praying for our church and our business meeting. As we prayed at the rail, we could hear Women Unscripted gathering and worshipping in the fellowship hall below. It is a delight to be in a community that works, volunteers, and worships together to the glory of God. We intentionally pray for a different staff person each meeting and this month we took time to give thanks for Kathy Kenyon. Kathy is Coordinator of Sacramental Life, overseeing our community of volunteers, marriage mentors, and providing coordination for special events like baptisms and weddings. We remain grateful for the way she uses her gifts to shepherd our marriage mentor ministry, our Sunday liturgical volunteers, and all of the other administrative help she provides behind the scenes. If you are new to Restoration, we encourage you to think about getting plugged in by volunteering on Sundays!
During our business meeting we approved delegates and alternates to attend the 2017 Diocesan Synod. We also received updates from the Church Plant Steering Team on the search for a resident and the Personnel Team on the hiring process for the Nursery Coordinator and the Facility Coordinator.
Our business meeting each June is largely preparation for the final passage of the budget in July. We began by receiving the May financial report from Treasurer Meredith Lloyd Taylor. Our average Sunday attendance for the month was 501 (down 4% from last year in the same month), but overall up 6% for the entire year to date. Our year to date offerings are 103% of budget and our year to date spending is 99% of budget. These numbers, plus the amount in savings, are all good indicators of positive financial health.
The Finance Team worked countless hours compiling data to present the Vestry with a proposed budget for FY18. We spent most of our meeting discussing this budget, keeping in mind our strategic plan to plant churches and grow disciples. Over the next month we will work to finalize this budget, also keeping in mind God’s faithfulness over the years and stepping out in faith where there are unknowns. We are grateful as we look at the ways that each of you has faithfully given generously to Restoration.
As always, if you have questions, concerns, words of wisdom or encouragement, please know that we are open to your feedback. You can read an archive of past Wardens’ Reports on our website or Vestry Meeting minutes on CCB, under the ‘Files’ tab in the ‘Entire Church Group’
-Dietrich Kuhlmann and Hannah Royal, Wardens