This is why we LOVE the 5pm at Restoration!
The 5pm service is special for many reasons (there are about 20 of them that I curated from people who attend the 5. Keep reading…).
We would love for you to try it! As you know, trying something takes a ‘few tries’. So if you want to give it a go, would you consider trying it from March 10 until June 9? That’s all of Lent + Easter to Pentecost. And that’s a great ‘try’!
We think some of you will try it, love it, and find a meaningful new rhythm to your Sabbath.
Curious? Here’s a bunch of reasons to tip you over the edge…
It’s come as you are—not only in dress (jeans!) but people come where they are in life—single/married, young/old, children/no children, and everyone fits in.
Everyone is glad to see you! You are greeted each Sunday like a long-lost friend even if it’s just been a week or two since you last met.
It’s a great way to “end” the weekend and at the same time start the “new” week with a Kingdom mindset.
The 5pm snacks are better! Not really(!) but we do have snacks- just like the other services.
It’s not crowded—there is always room for one more person or one more family…even if you are running late.
It’s not “formal”—while we meet at church and do all the worship things, it’s a little more like hanging out with a group of friends to worship together and talk about Jesus and what He’s doing in our lives.
You can be yourself—whether it’s been a tough week (or a good week), whether you feel like laughing (or crying), whether you like to sing loudly and raise your hands in praise (or not), we do it all.
It has a relaxed feel—it’s a low-stress service with rhythms of grace woven into it; it’s more about being present than the program.
It’s more intimate—because it’s a smaller group, you can know and be known by others.
It feels like family—it’s like attending the rehearsal dinner compared to the formal wedding or the Easter Vigil compared to the Sunday Easter services. It’s more about the people you are with (Jesus and the Resto family) and less about the public-facing ceremony.
Kids’ small groups @ the 5 have their own special flavor, too. The small groups are smaller and the age-range of kids within each small group is wider. It’s a sweet opportunity to have deeper conversations between and among kids and leaders. This dynamic begins to provide our kids with the opportunity to experience mentorship that both looks ahead to those who are older and looks behind to those who are younger, as they see themselves as whole participants in their own spiritual formation and influencers of others’. In other words, we have a blast!
I love that the smaller size of an intimate group allows me to have deeper conversations with one or two people vs. just trying to say a quick surface “hello” to 20 or more people.
As someone who has a tendency to want to rush around from one thing to another, the 5pm is a sweet time of truly slowing down… No rushing to clear out of the Church for the next service, or rushing out of Church to get to a Sunday afternoon activity.
I really do feel like Sunday night is the start of my week. When I attend the 5pm service, I have a smoother transition into my work week and I feel more resilient to the Monday morning anxieties that come with my weekly to-do list, because I have it really fresh in my mind that God has got it all under control.
I have time throughout the afternoon to build up an excited anticipation for what is going to come that evening at Church.
The timing lends well to lingering longer over snacks after service and/or going straight to dinner afterwards with Church friends to continue the conversation about the sermon, prayer, what’s going on in our lives, etc.
If I could paint a picture of the 5pm service, it would be one of Jesus hanging out with his buddies around the supper table, reclined in happy relaxation… Kicking His sandals off, putting His feet up on the table, and motioning with wide open, welcoming arms to gather close… He’s saying, “The invitation is open. Come in and rest. There is always room for you.”
OK, finally. Can I say it? I’m going to say it. I like sleeping in! And I am thankful to God for my “no alarm clock” Sunday mornings. Please don’t judge 🙂
-A cheerful invitation to try the 5 from cheerful people who attend the 5!
March 9, 2019 @ 12:15 am
Love this! Agree with all of these 🙂