September 8th at Restoration
As Summer gives way to Autumn
You’ve probably noticed that things become much quieter around here in the summertime. People — our staff, members, volunteers — are in and out constantly, bouncing between vacations, family reunions, personal retreats…or, maybe all of the above!
On September 8th, our fall season begins and you’ll notice the activity increases around here like bubbles in a cool glass of seltzer. We don’t want you to miss anything. So here is what’s coming back after a brief summer hiatus:
APEX: Isaiah Brooms, our Director of Youth Ministries, has an awesome fall program planned and is looking forward to seeing your middle and high schoolers there on September 8th! This year, high school and middle school APEX is going to happen at the same time — Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8:30. This will make it easier on parents with kids in both groups and our facility will be bubbling with energy on Sunday nights! Your kids can’t wait. Maybe you want to serve as an APEX volunteer? Sunday nights will be a blast at Resto. Email Isaiah with any questions.
Kids’ Small Groups
Kid’s small groups will also begin a new year on September 8th at the 9 and 11. Louise has been hard at work preparing and would love for your child to join a group. Register your child today! Even if you have registered your child in a prior year, we ask that you would fill out a fresh form for this coming year (just like you will do for each kid on their first day of school!). You can always shoot Louise an email with any questions you may have.
The 5pm
It’s back!! The 5 PM service will return on September 8th. We are grateful for the space and margin that not having the 5pm created for our staff and volunteers this summer. Rest and elasticity returned to their souls. Thank you! But we are so excited to be back together with our beloved 5pm community. If you are planning to be mostly at the 5pm this fall, would you let us know? Have you never been to the 5? Would you consider trying it for a couple months? It takes some repetition to see if something new is a good fit. And it takes a critical mass of people for a community to feel like home. We would love for 50 households who normally attend the 9 or 11 to alternatively commit to the 5pm for this fall. “Giving up your seat” at the 9 or 11 creates room for new folks to visit our church. “Taking a seat” at the 5 brings your friendship, worship, and presence to a beautiful community that loves ending their week-end with the evening hues lighting the Lord’s table. Let us know if you are one of those households that will worship in Autumn at 5.
(Bonus- if your kid is headed to APEX on Sunday nights, the 5pm is a great way to worship together before they head off to their Youth Small Groups.)
Second Sunday Suppers
That’s right. You like to eat. We like to eat. Let’s eat after the 5pm on Sept 8. We’ll keep going out on the Second Sunday of every month, after the 5 PM. Everyone is invited! Even if you went to the 9 or the 11! How convenient if your kids are in APEX! We want you there! Contact Beth for details.
Autumn begins…
We couldn’t be more excited for the fall: Vision Night (9/10). Baptisms (9/22). New to Restoration Dinner (10/1). Fall Retreat (10/12-13). It’s all waiting for you…
We’re going to hit the ground running and we hope to see you right alongside us.
September 8, 2019 @ 11:23 am
We will be 5pm regulars this year