Serving on Sundays
Hi Restoration,
We had a great staff meeting today. We are so excited about our plans for the fall: Alpha and Small Groups for adults, youth, and kids. We are praying for the friends with questions who might come to Alpha and we are praying for the people at Restoration who might serve as small group leaders. August is always full of anticipation and we are praying expectantly for you to join us in the work God is doing through our church.
We have four Sundays left in our ‘summer program’ and I am inviting you to serve in a couple of ways. Many of you are new to Restoration or starting to come back- taking one of these opportunities would be a great way to ‘jump in’ or to ‘jump back in’. No experience necessary. Anybody can do it. Take an opportunity to serve before summer ends.
1. Sunday Volunteer: On Sundays, we have 8 opportunities to serve at each service. We check in before the service begins. We make sure you know where to go and what to do. You get to be a part of this liturgy that helps people connect to God and the things He loves. Sign up here. There are 43 summer spots left! (And you know what helps the staff sleep at night? Seeing all of them filled.)
2. After-Service Prayer Training: This past Sunday, I described how there are so many ways to participate in our service- you kneel, stand, sing, respond, give, eat, drink, pray. And then, at the end of each service, we always provide teams of people who will pray specifically and confidentially for YOU! You can participate by asking for prayer… and I hope you do. A lot!
One of the great joys of serving at Restoration is getting to be on those teams that pray. We would love to train you so that you can participate in praying for others. The next training is August 22, from 12:30-3 in Fellowship Hall. Shoot a quick email to Erica and Nathan and let them know you are coming.
We are excited about the fall and looking forward to all that God has for us. Hope you will join us in the opportunities that are to come.