Small Group #25 – Christian Hope at Life’s End
As Small Groups Sign-Up’s get started this winter, we wanted to tell you about a few of the options. Here are a few words from Mitch Wallin, one of the leaders of Small Group #25
How should Christians approach the end of life? How should we support our friends and family as they face terminal illness? Death is something all of us will face but we rarely discuss it in our daily lives or in the church. Many spend their final days in an intensive care unit often isolated and without a chance to mourn or say goodbye. A bill was recently signed by the mayor in Washington, DC to allow physician assisted suicide as an option for a painless death. How can we die better?
The small group entitled “Christian Hope at Life’s End“ is for both young and older adults who want to honestly examine end of life care and death from the lens of faith and the perspective of a practicing neurologist. We will cover brain death, physician assisted suicide, the Christian death in past centuries and how best to prepare for death ourselves or for a loved one. Readings from “The Art of Dying” (R Moll) and other books and articles will help to frame the discussion and sharing. Please join us on Thursday nights at 7:30 PM!
Interested in joining this group? Sign up here