An Update from David
“What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation… I will offer to you the sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the Lord.”
My friends,
I am so overwhelmed by God’s goodness and faithfulness to me and my family. How do I say thanks?
We now have all of our stuff in our new house and we spent most of today cleaning the old house. I am so grateful for all the people who helped us move on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. One team sawed our box spring in half, another team rebuilt the boy’s bunk beds, another team hung a ceiling light, and many boxes were moved. Quite an exhausting 3 days. Thank you for prayers, strong backs, meals, and help with our kids. Laurel and I have been anticipating this move for 6 months– lots of deliberation and prayer. As we get settled, we are struck by how perfect this house is for our family. The space is so much more usable and the things for which we were longing (an eat-in kitchen!!) are now a reality. We can’t wait for you to see it.
Restoration Community Nights
I am so encouraged by our Wednesday night gatherings. The stories I hear are of great turnouts, good conversation, and the chance to meet new people. Next week is the big bike ride. Should be awesome. For me, I am so pleased that they are happening with almost no input from me! I love seeing people take ownership and responsibility for our community. Thank you to Lacy and her team of dedicated coordinators!
I am proud of the work we are doing this summer alongside the Arlington Food Assistance Center. We are moving left over produce from farmers markets to AFAC’s distribution shelves. Along the way we are having great conversations, serving the most vulnerable in Arlington, getting to know each other, and working alongside others in Arlington who care about the hungry. Many thanks to Connally Gilliam and her team for coordinating this project. There are still opportunities to get involved.
WV Mission Trip
On the near horizon, we will be sending 40 TFC and Restoration folks to Phillipi, WV to restore homes and live the Gospel in practical ways. You all are praying. You gave money to get your car washed. And now we are collecting school supplies for a back to school outreach we’ll do in WV. I’m so excited for our kids who will experience life in community and serving others. We are taking tangible steps to serve and love in Jesus’ name.
These snippets give me such joy. I’m so proud of our Restoration community. I love living life with you and watching you use your gifts to bless each other and those around us. What a privilege for me.
Like many of you this summer, the Hanke family will be getting away for a week starting tomorrow. This is my ‘deep cover, little contact’ week away. I will not be checking email at all. I will check my voicemail once a day. If you have an emergency, you can leave me a message or send me a text and I’ll get it. I am leaving you in the more than capable hands of Erin Bair Coleman. You can reach her by email through our contact page. John Kurcina is preaching this week (7/19). I will be back to lead the service on 7/26 and Erin will preach.
Couple More…
- Our annual CANA council is July 30-Aug 1 in Herndon, VA at Church of the Epiphany. I’ll representing Restoration and giving a seminar on church planting alongside David Glade.
- Remember we are reading through a bit of Exodus each week. You can follow the plan by picking up a purple sheet at church or by following me on Twitter or facebook. I try to post what we are reading each week.
- Our parish survey ends on July 20. If you have 10 minutes to give us some feedback, we would be so grateful. Your collegial input is very helpful to us as we plan, dream, and pray about what’s next.
Thankyou for all your help. I love being on this journey together. See you on July 26.
July 18, 2009 @ 5:40 pm
Thanks for the newsy update. Your compliments to the RAC family, catching us becoming who we should be, are a constant encouragement and motivator.
Have a splendid vacation with your lovely family. May our good Lord bless your family with an abundance of wonderful, new memories.
July 20, 2009 @ 10:02 am
I think I’m going to be at CANA council for work. I’m curious as to what you have to say about RAC!
July 25, 2009 @ 1:31 pm
I’ll also be at the CANA council, at least some of the time. Hope your vacation was fabulous!