Outreach, Sunday Corporate Worship

Weekend round-up
- Happy Birthday Restoration! A year ago we gathered in the Ballston Hilton and Bishop Minns made us official– we got our own vestry, we got a Rector, we affirmed our financial independence… What a year it has been– we bought a building, we hired 5 more staff, we’ve got kids overflowing downstairs, we started APEX, we sent over 100 people to various local and global mission projects. Happy Birthday! God is so good.
- Thanks God for great weather again. I love watching kids play basketball in the back and the adults chatting all morning on the lawn.
- I am so moved by the way Paul ends his letter to the Philippians– All the saints greet you, especially those of Caesar’s household. It is the perfect anecdote to support “I’m content.” As we have talked through this letter, over and over, the prevailing sense is ‘OH NO! Paul is in prison. What will happen to Christianity? What will happen to the mission of the church? If he’s gone, what will we do?” And Paul keeps saying– it’s ok, the Gospel is being preached, people are coming to know Christ. In fact, there are those who live in Caesar’s house who are now your brothers and sisters in the Lord. I’m content. I accept the circumstances I have been given. I trust the goodness of the Lord. I’m content.
- Congratulations to our new vestry members. Thank you for stepping up to serve our community.
- Erin and I had a great time talking about baptism vows and the prayer of humble access over pizza and carrot sticks with our pre-communion class. Those 3rd-5th graders are really bright. Great questions.
- Did you know that there are a group of people who walk through our neighborhood praying every Friday morning from 9-10? They would love for you to join them. This past Saturday, people gathered in the church from 9-10 to pray and then walked through the neighborhood praying from 10-11. I am so encouraged by the vision and love they are gaining for the folks who live around us.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for you.