Vestry Election
On November 11 and 18, Restoration will hold its annual vestry election. Our church is governed by a team of 9 elders who serve for 3 year terms. Each year we roll off and on 3 members.
These men and women love Jesus and His church. They have character that is described in 1 Timothy 3.1-7 and Titus 1.5-9. They are responsible for the oversight of our finances and facility. They provide an annual budget to the Rector for the recruiting and compensation of staff and the development of programs. The vestry are critical spiritual leaders– they partner with the Rector and staff in discerning our vision and future. I am so grateful for these 9 people who give so generously of their time, energy, and prayers. You can read more about our current vestry and their specific areas of oversight, here.
We choose our vestry members by a general election. The candidates write a brief bio and Restoration members are given 2 weeks to pray, to ask questions of the candidates, and to listen to the Holy Spirit for how they should vote. God has used this process each year to provide us with great men and women.
You have to be a member of Restoration to participate in the election. This is because we want you to know the church, to know the candidates, and to be committed to this community as you bring your vote. As I often say, we believe every follower of Jesus should be a member of a church. Commitment to a local community is a transformative part of our discipleship. It is so important– if you don’t want to make commitments of membership to Restoration, please be a member in one of the other great churches here in Arlington. We would be happy to give you a referral.
So what’s a ‘Member of Restoration’? Members of Restoration have made commitments to each other that they are baptized followers of Christ, that they will give their time, talent, and treasure to what God is doing through our church, and that they will be active participants in Restoration small groups. In order to make those commitments, we ask that you attend a ‘New to Restoration dinner’ [RSVP here for Nov 27] and sign The Big Green Book– our parish register. Can I participate in life at Restoration without being a member? Absolutely– be in a small group, serve in our outreach activities to the poor and vulnerable, sing real loud. But don’t let membership slide off your radar– it matters.
We have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. [Colossians 1: 9-10]
It is a kindness of God that He offers us His church: A place where we can be known, and be led, and be taught. A place where we can laugh, and giggle, and guffaw. A place where we can be stretched in our trust, and take risks, and pray. It is kind of God to provide such quality men and women to be servant leaders in our church. It is kind of God to ask us to commit and belong to each other. It is kind to live life together.
See you at church, David
November 11, 2012 @ 2:47 pm
If I vote, will I get a sticker?
November 12, 2012 @ 8:55 am
So appreciate this, I’ve been meditating on His kindness more and it really is a wonderful trait to explore.His kindness offers such comfort and safety. It motivates good changes. It is a true gift.