Meet the RILA Team!

We all know that our church is full of some amazing people offering their time, treasure and talent many times over.
But do you know who is behind the launch of our very own Restoration Immigration Legal Aid Clinic (RILA)?
Check these folks out – and come on Tuesday February 16th at 7:30pm to learn more.
Jason Braun is the volunteer attorney who will provide legal oversight for our clinic. He has experience in family and immigration law. To prepare for this role with RILA he has been taking Continuing Legal Education classes in specific areas of immigration law and volunteering with various local legal aid clinics. He and his family have attended Restoration since 2011 and usually attend the 9am service.
Natalie Foote is a licensed clinical social worker who has completed an Overview of Immigration Law course through CLINIC (one of our partners!) She has training in asylum law as well. She also volunteers at local legal aid clinics. Natalie and her family have attended Restoration since January 2015 and usually attend the 5pm service.
Michelle Swearingen has a Master’s degree in Public Policy with a certificate in Refugee and Humanitarian Emergencies, which included coursework on Refugee Law and Policy. She is currently taking the Overview of Immigration Law course through CLINIC. Michelle and her family have attended Restoration since 2014 and usually attend the 9am service.
Aiding these three masterminds are Liz Gray (Associate Rector for Prayer and Outreach), Erin Owen (Interpreter), Susie Wallin (Committee Chair) and Christine Jones (Vestry Liaison).
Now that you know the team, come and join us in the Fellowship Hall and learn about the clinic at the Legal Aid Introduction Night Tuesday February 16th at 7:30pm. We look forward to meeting YOU!