Remember learning to speak English?
Do you remember learning to speak English?
For some, its a more recent accomplishment than for others. (And if you are studying for GREs its very much an ongoing process!) There are many of our neighbors here in north Arlington who could use some help in the ‘English department’ and that is where we come in! Restoration has started a English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) ministry and is partnering with a neighborhood church, Fe Y Alabanza on Quebec Street to provide Conversation Partners.
What is a Conversation Partner?
Restoration volunteers will be matched up with a member (or married couple) of Fe Y Alabanza to simply talk and get to know one another with improved Emglish as a by-product. And if you want to improve your Spanish, the learning would be two-way! Suggested structure and topics would be provided. The expectation is that partners will meet once a week in a public place (coffee shop, library) for about one hour at a time convenient for both. Our plan is to begin the program the first week of November and end just before Easter.
How can I learn more?
Join us Tuesday, October 23 at 7:30 at the home of Susie and Mitch Wallin (5910 N. 19th St) for information. Please come even if you are unsure about volunteering. If you can’t make the meeting, please let us know and we can provide info and training individually. RSVP:
October 25, 2012 @ 8:15 am
We have our first match! And many more to follow, I’m certain.
Thanks to those who came to the training session and who have otherwise expressed a willingness to carve out some time to develop a cross-cultural relationship with a brother or sister in Christ. I think the blessings from this will flow both ways. And what a way to put into action David’s challenge from the cliques sermon to make an effort to befriend one person outside of our usual circles.
We’re still accepting partners. Let me know if you want more info.