To be Told: April 17-18, 2015 at Restoration!

Dan is a psychologist and author who has revolutionized the field of Christian counseling, especially as it pertains to trauma, abuse, and the effects of pain on our current relationships. He tackles very tough topics with honesty and humor, sharing vivid stories from his own life.
During that 2008 conference, Dan talked about allowing Jesus into our pain – about engaging it and allowing it to become part of the story your life tells. He challenged us to embrace all parts of our story so that we become free to live as God has designed. The conference helped us individually to begin to name our wounds and fears, our pain and joy, and to understand how they influence who we are as individuals today. And it opened up a dialogue for healing in which we could discuss our pain in a constructive, honest way in the larger context of our marriage. As we embark on this new chapter in our church life, in a new building, we have a special opportunity to soak up Dan’s wisdom and unique perspective about learning to love our stories, not only as individuals but as members of this congregation we have been called to love and serve.
Dan’s premise is that: “Each of us has story that needs to be told – whether it is a story of hope, love, and faith or a story of betrayal, powerlessness, and harm. But often, we are unable to face these stories. We know there are core experiences of pain from our past that unwittingly impact the story of the present and the story of our future. Many of these stories have remained unnamed and hidden in the shadows of our hearts, allowing them to wield unrecognized power and create structures of shame and contempt in our lives. These are the stories that keep us bound to unhealthy ways of relating to ourselves, to others, and to God.”“The good news is that brokenness is not the end of the story. If you have ever found yourself feeling stuck personally or relationally, wondering things like “why does this keep happening to me?”, “why am I like this?”, or “will I ever heal?”, join us at To Be Told. Learn how your personal story shapes your faith, your understanding of yourself, your interactions with others, and your engagement with everyday life. Begin to taste the true goodness of relationships, delight, and love that God desires for you today.”
We invite you to this amazing conference “To Be Told: Know Your Story, Shape Your Future”at Restoration Anglican Church on April17-18, 2015. The Friday session goes from 6:30-9pm, and the Saturday session is from 9am-4:30pm. The early bird fee is only $75.
Visit conferences/to-be-told to register. Please note that Dan’s conferences fill up quickly, and we expect this to sell out in advance, so we highly encourage you to sign up now so you will not miss this amazing event.
Reade and Lisa Bush