Important Fall 2011 Info
It’s been a great summer around here: During July, Erin took us through the story of Esther and in August, we studied the relationships of Abraham. Many of us got away on vacation and I hope you got some good time to rest, be outside, and be with loved ones. The weather has been crazy. Strasburg is back on the mound. School is in. Fall is here and things are taking off!
This is a note that will serve as an FAQ of sorts for what is happening over the next few months. We don’t want you to miss anything!
Small Group Registration is open until October 2. They all kick off the week of September 18. There are some fun topics– different kinds of prayer, restoring financial peace, one for women and going deeper with their stories, and an excellent book study on Theology of the Body. A lot of groups will be studying the passage that I preach about on Sundays. Some allow kids, some meet early in the morning, hopefully there is something for everyone. Don’t miss out on this chance to get to know God, yourself, and others at a deeper level this fall.
APEX: We also have small groups for students in grades 6-12. They are being lead by Sean and Catherine Burke on Sunday nights at 6:30 at Restoration. There is an important meeting for all parents of middle and high school students this Sunday, Sept 11, 6:30pm at Restoration. Please come or let me know if you cannot attend.
Kids Small Groups: They took July and August off, but we are ready to go on Sunday, Sept 11. At all 3 services (9, 11, and 5), children aged 3 to 5th grade head downstairs after the opening worship block for age-appropriate instruction, fun, and friendship. These kids return to the service for communion (after the sermon and prayers). If you will have a child in the nursery, please register them here. If you will have a child in a Kid Small Group (pre-k to 5th grade), please register them here. We need a form for every child (new year=new form for everyone!). Thanks!
English for Speakers of Other Languages: At Restoration, we are always looking for opportunities to connect with the needs around us. This summer we sent a team to West Virginia to serve the community of Philippi. We also made farmer’s market runs for AFAC. We are developing a new opportunity this fall to teach English and to serve our immigrant neighbors. There is an important information dinner about this program on Sunday, Sept 11 at 6:30.
Baptism Sunday is November 6. We have opportunities for 2-3 baptisms at each service and they fill pretty quickly (have you seen our nursery??). We baptize adults and the children of Christian parents. If you are interested in baptism, please contact Rev. Erin Bair
Showing up and Serving: Lots of you ask: “How can we help out? What can we do?” I love the enthusiasm and heart behind that question. Here are 2 ways you can show up and serve: we have opportunities for musicians to play and sing and we have opportunities for lots of people to serve in our Sunday worship services. How can you help out? Fill in the musician form and/or the volunteer form and make yourself available. Thanks!
Dates for your calendar: There are a few things that happen each quarter that merit the attention of everyone who calls Restoration their home. Here are the one’s that are coming up:
- All-Parish Meeting on September 27 at 7:30pm. This is my chance to give you an update on our budget, facility, and areas of ministry focus for the coming fiscal year.
- New to Restoration Dinner on October 4 at 7:30pm. This dinner is for those who want to hear our story, our vision, and our values; who want to meet the staff and other folks; and who want to hear about membership at Restoration. It is an informal evening with a nice meal and an interactive program. You must attend if you are planning on becoming a member of Restoration.
- Fall Retreat October 21-23 at Massanetta Springs. This is a rustic, beautiful, restful place. We will not have church on Quincy Street that weekend and space at the retreat is filling fast. Come get away, laugh, pray, be still, hear great speakers, make new friends, tear your ACL in flag football, float a boat, and make s’mores with us. It is such a good time. Register today.
While I have you… Have you logged into CCB recently? Make sure your contact info is correct. Set up automatic giving. Upload a photo. See our calendar. This is our internal place to keep all of our data. Please make sure your information is current. If you need a login, you can contact Becky.
As you can read, lots of things are happening. My prayer is that God would use these opportunities to grow us up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ. (Eph 4:15) I look forward to seeing you soon!
September 9, 2011 @ 2:38 pm
Gee, that musician thing looks awesome!